In spirit of National Hazing Prevention Week, NV Alpha would like to present some common excuses for hazing, and dispel them with the truthful responses!
1. Excuse: "We give our new members the option to not participate. "
Response: "Do they really feel like they can opt out? No one should be faced with the decision to “participate” in hazing."
2. Excuse: "They have it easy compared to what I went through."
Response: Let go of what you went through and create meaningful new member ed. I promise it will be harder than what you went through.
3. Excuse: "It's tradition."
Response: "Consider this: How long has this really been a tradition anyways? Every tradition started somewhere, so start a new one!"
4. Excuse: "You should see how bad the boys haze. What we do is nothing compared to that!"
Response: "Hazing is hazing...period. There's no such thing as an "acceptable" level of hazing. Psychological hazing can be the most damaging, and victims are often too ashamed to talk about it."
5. Excuse: "We can’t do anything fun anymore. Everything is hazing."
Response: "I think the disconnect is how you are defining "fun"...hazing is not fun."
6. Excuse: "The University only prohibits hazing because they have to for liability reasons."
Response: "Yes liability is one motivator ~ YOU should be concerned about legal issues as well."
7. Excuse: "If we stop hazing then we’ll lose alumni support."
Response: "Alumni want your organization to be recognized for your accomplishments, not your hazing reputation."
8. Excuse: "They have to earn their membership in the sorority and earn their letters."
Response: "Hazing shows a person can take abuse. Have members earn their place with positive displays of intelligence and integrity."
9. Excuse: "It used to be much worse in the past."
Response: "Then someone must have stood up and said something! Be that person for your generation!"
10. Excuse: It's not like anybody will die or get hurt."
Response: "Hazing breeds an extremist culture where heavy drinking and risky behavior is favored. Even if no one in your chapter has died, doesn't mean that there are many who have lost their lives to hazing."
NV Alpha only allows behavior that supports personal and intellectual growth, positive relationships, and respect. See hazing? Report it!