Jessica Lamb- Chapter President
Hi, I am Jessica, and I am the new Chapter President of NV Alpha. I am very excited for the memories we will make, the problems we will solve, and the challenges we will conquer this year. I hope to bring our members together and remind them how wonderful our sisterhood is. I want to encourage everyone to take advantage of their time here at Pi Phi and their time at UNR! I'm going to strive to raise involvement and motivate every member to give time and effort to Pi Phi. I am very open to any suggestions, and am willing to talk to any member who needs a listener. I am so excited for this year, it is going to be great!
Kelli Flynn- Vice President of Member Development
Hey everyone! My name is Kelli Flynn and I am the new Vice President of Member Development for Nevada Alpha. In my past years in Pi Beta Phi, I have served on the Leadership Nominating Committee for four semesters as well as the Vice President of Membership for UNR's Panhellenic Executive Council. I am so excited about my new position on our chapter's Executive Council. As Vice President, I hope to raise the chapter's overall Grade Point Average, as well as get memebers more involved in events around campus. I plan to host a self-defense class for all members and possibly inviting other sororities to attend the event. We have several study socials scheduled for this semester. I am also bringing back Pi Club for members receiving above a 3.14 GPA from Fall 2010. The Pi Club luncheon will take place Sunday, March 27th. We will be serving pizza pies to honor these members. We are all so excited to have a great Spring semester and a successful recruitment in the Fall!

Alle Zaher- Vice President of Fraternity Development
Hi! I'm Alle, the new VP Fraternity Development. I'm excited for this position this year because of my interest in the history and development of our fraternity. I look forward to educating the house and our new members about how special Pi Beta Phi is. I can't wait to put on an amazing new member education program and fun initiation. This year will be unforgettable!
Katie Fitzgerald- Vice President of Membership
Hello! I'm excited to be the new VP Membership after two years of being an assistant to the position. I have already been working on organizing Fall Formal Recruitment and work week! I think that this year's recruitment will be more amazing than ever to recruit a group of phenomenal young women to keep all of the traditions that Pi Phi's hold dear alive. We have always been able to take pride in our hard work and dedication during recruitment and this year will be no different with the result being another outstanding New Member class!
Andie Courey- Vice President of Finance
Hi! I'm looking forward this year as VP finance. I have served as the assistant to this position and am seeking a minor in Accounting. I'm thrilled to be on Executive Council and to have the opportunity to bring fresh ideas to the house. I think that our new Council will work great together this year in raising spirits in the house. I can't wait to see what all is in store!
Micah Holley- Vice President of Administration
Hi, I am Micah and I am the new VP Administration. I am so excited for this upcoming year and what the Executive Council has in store! This semester, I am going to try to encourage attendance by providing a few surprise incentives! Get excited about this upcoming semester, it's going to be great!
Erica Madau- Vice President of Philanthropy
Hi! I am so thrilled to be in charge of Philanthropy this year! We already have so many great things planned like Phiesta, Arrowspike, Dr. Suess's birthday and much more! Our house is excited to work hard on our philanthropy and also participate in other houses' events as well! Our chapter always enjoys helping the community and I am sure that we will make a very big impact this year!
Chelsea Dressler- Vice President of Event Planning
Hi everyone! I'm the new VP Event Planning and am very excited for the position! This semester, I am planning a lot of fun events and sisterhoods for everyone! Our first cupcake baking sisterhood social was a success and lots of fun! I can't wait to plan an amazing recruitment for next fall. I greatly enjoy being on the Executive Council and know this year will be filled with incredible memories!
Jacqueline Knight- Vice President of Housing
Cheers, my name is Jacqueline Knight! As current VP Housing, I look forward to making the Pi Phi house the best place on earth, something like Disneyland. A place where girls can come and share their dreams, laugh and cry together. Pi Phi has taught me to be kind to everyone you meet because people may be fighting a harder battle then it may appear to you. The Pi Phi house has given me a new outlook on life and my only wish is that you can get the same experience.